The objective of an occupational health and safety management system OHSAS 45001 is to noticeably reduce the risk of injury, accidents and work-related illness in organizations. The health and physical integrity of a company’s employees are a mainstay of its success.

To further protect and promote employees’ health, performance and safety, a new OH&S Management system standard – ISO 45001 – was launched in March 2018. ISO 45001 replaces OHSAS 18001, which has been in application since 2007.

Organizations which currently hold OHSAS 18001 certification needs to transition to ISO 45001 by March 2021, in order to meet the requirements of the new standard


The OHSAS 18001 Certification Scheme is an occupational health and safety standard designed to enable organisations to control risks and improve performance in the area of OHSAS. OHSAS 18001 places a proactive and preventative emphasis on risk-control factors by identifying and assessing the likelihood and severity of hazards in the workplace.

OHSAS 18001 is an essential management system for your business, along with quality, environment and other management systems.

It will help your company reduce direct and indirect costs while preventing injuries in the workplace and by conforming to OISO 18001, your company safeguards its stakeholders – employees, suppliers and customers – from risk.

Third-party certification will credibly demonstrate your organization’s implementation of a comprehensive system for ensuring health and safety in the workplace. Follow US : Facebook

The advantages of implementing OHSAS 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard are:

  • Reduction of work incidents
  • OHSAS 45001 now stands for 18001
  • Compliance with work safety regulations
  • Prevention of ill health or work injuries
  • Improvement of business credibility and brand image
  • Improved feed-back from national and international market
  • Increased access to public tenders
  • Improved relationships with national and local institutions
  • Reduction of controls and facilities in obtaining administrative authorizations
  • Demonstration of a reasonable awareness
  • Meeting investor requirements by facilitating access to capital
  • Attainment of  more competitive insurance policies
  • Improved staff relationships


QMS   is an internationally accepted standard and is generic which applies to all the sectors irrespective of size which includes processing, manufacturing, servicing, forestry, electronics, steel, legal services, accounting, banking retailing, etc.


QMS standard is based on quality management principles including a committed customer focus, involvement of top management, the process approach and continual improvement.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System certification  helps in standardization of the process to increase efficiency and optimizes the production and service quality and minimizing the potential risk to business and customers.

Why ISO 9001 – Quality Management System

  • Benefits of ISO 9001 certification are:
  • QMS certification support organizations to meet the International standard of Products and Service they provide,
  • Meet Customer Requirement and enhancing their satisfaction;
  • Lead to effective risk management to reduce undesired effects;
  • Adapt to the challenges of frequently changing markets and customer needs over time.
  • Determine and comply statutory and regulatory obligations;
  • Deliver Trust, helps in expending business into new market.
  • Provides an excellent tool for training of employee and staff on the related working process