ISO 27001 Certification is an internationally recognized standard that provide framework for information security management system for preservation of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of informational asset in any organization. QUALITY BRAINS MANAGEMENT team is accredited by UKAS, IAS,KAB, UAF (IAF member) accreditation boards for ISO 27001 Certification.


Informtional asset is like other important business asset needs to be suitably protected to prevent its unauthorized access intentionally or unintentionally.

Information security is achieved through induction of a suitable set of controls, including policies, processes, procedures, software and hardware functions. These controls need to be adequately established, documented, implemented, monitored, reviewed and improved to ensure that the business objectives and necessary security of the organization informational asset are met.

Effective ISMS (Information Security Management System) in accordnace to ISO 27001 reduces information security risks by protecting the organization informational asset against threats and vulnerabilities, and then reduces its impacts on organization..

Why ISO 27001 Information Security Management System

  • Ensure protection of Important Information.
  • Ensure effective flow of information within organization.
  • Availability of information on time.
  • Ensuring Customer information in the right hands.
  • Ensure compliance of National and international data protection regulations.